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AM Anti-Vibration Pump Pad 40mm

Product Details

Product Ref: PUMPPAD

Price: 24.9949.99

Price Includes VAT at 23%

Product Information

It is well known, that vibration transmission is treated using a highly dense material in combination with a flexible one.

The Anti-Vibration pump pad has the density in the board and the flexibility in the foam attached.

Pump pad is a very effective and affordable solution for treating the vibrations transmission occurring with loud pumps.

Dimension: 300mm X 400mm X 40mm or 300mm x 200mm x 40mm

Acoustic parameters: Improvement of impact sound – ΔLw = 18 dB Reduce pump noise by over 50%

Examples of use: Used as padding underneath water pump to damp the vibrations generated by pump


• Easy to install

• Simple processing – cutting, drilling

  • Overview:
  • unique anti-vibration pump pads are designed to be used with domestic water pumps.
  • special eco-soundproofing material that we use is suppressing the vibrations of the pump to reduce the noise by over 50%.
  • outstanding feedback from our clients
  • easy to install
  • installed in minutes