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FAITLPROF Profile Gauge 250mm Faithfull or Tala

Product Details

Product Ref: FAITLPROF

Price: 17.99

Price Includes VAT at 23%

Product Information

FAITLPROF Profile Gauge 250mm Faithfull

The Faithfull Profile Gauge provides a quick and easy way to accurately cut around unevenly shaped surfaces that would otherwise prove difficult to tackle, helping to prevent costly mistakes.

When pressed against a surface, the profile gauge will produce a copy of the shape of that surface.

This shape can then be transferred to provide a drawn cutting line onto the material being fitted.

The gauge is ideal for use when tiling, laying carpets, vinyl or laminate flooring and wallpapering applications.

It features a metric and imperial scale, and is magnetic for hands-free working on steel surfaces.

Width: 250mm (10in).